Results for 'Miguel Angel Torres Quiroga'

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  1. (1 other version)La libertad reproductiva en disputa: gestación en venta como opresión.Miguel Ángel Torres Quiroga - 2021 - Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura 197 (802):a631.
    Understanding the ethical concerns of paid and altruistic surrogacy requires a knowledge of reproductive freedom and procreative autonomy. An accurate approach must be sensitive enough of the nature of sexual oppression, specifically in its influence in women’s choices, self-identity and personal relationships. The aim of this essay is to stand up for the prominence of radical feminism in questioning reproductive liberalism, which overfocus the interests of the so-called intended parents. Having in mind what egalitarian philosophers have put forward from a (...)
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  2. El posthumanismo reproductivo a la vuelta de la esquina.Miguel Angel Torres Quiroga - 2022 - Revista de Bioética y Derecho 1 (56):141-161.
    Las corrientes intelectuales e ideológicas posthumanistas abogan por la superación de diferentes límites biológicos de la especie humana. La ruptura incluye los asuntos reproductivos, como estrategias para la supervivencia y como cuidado de una dignidad posthumana. En este trabajo, quiero esbozar cuestiones del trans y posthumanismo reproductivo interesado en la gestación subrogada (GS) en sus diferentes modalidades. La GS es relevante para reconducir la reproducción siguiendo criterios promotores de la elección individual. Comienzo subrayando la herencia liberal en el movimiento por (...)
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  3. Repensando la renta básica, el apoyo mutuo y el género durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 en México.Miguel Angel Torres Quiroga - 2020 - Revista de Bioética y Derecho 1 (50):239-253.
    Many of the social deprivations of Mexico will be worsened due to the SARSCOV2 pandemic. Namely, the insufficient access to public health, lack of labor rights, and the unsuccessful government’s response to eradicate male violence against women. The historical unconcern in promoting a culture rooted in mutual aid and self-care has provoked many citizens are disconnected from their social and health rights. Thus, people’s inability to carry through one direction –stay home- is unfulfilled, in part, due to structural inequalities. I (...)
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  4. Wittgenstein, Inc. [REVIEW]Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2008 - la Torre Del Virrey, Revista de Estudios Culturales 5 (verano):112-115.
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  5. Experiential Awareness: Do You Prefer “It” to “Me”?Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2012 - Philosophical Topics 40 (2):155-177.
    In having an experience one is aware of having it. Having an experience requires some form of access to one's own state, which distinguishes phenomenally conscious mental states from other kinds of mental states. Until very recently, Higher-Order (HO) theories were the only game in town aiming at offering a full-fledged account of this form of awareness within the analytical tradition. Independently of any objections that HO theories face, First/Same-Order (F/SO) theorists need to offer an account of such access to (...)
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  6. Gradualism, bifurcation and fading qualia.Miguel Ángel Sebastián & Manolo Martínez - 2024 - Analysis 84 (2):301-310.
    When reasoning about dependence relations, philosophers often rely on gradualist assumptions, according to which abrupt changes in a phenomenon of interest can result only from abrupt changes in the low-level phenomena on which it depends. These assumptions, while strictly correct if the dependence relation in question can be expressed by continuous dynamical equations, should be handled with care: very often the descriptively relevant property of a dynamical system connecting high- and low-level phenomena is not its instantaneous behaviour but its stable (...)
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  7. Functions and mental representation: the theoretical role of representations and its real nature.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):317-336.
    Representations are not only used in our folk-psychological explanations of behaviour, but are also fruitfully postulated, for example, in cognitive science. The mainstream view in cognitive science maintains that our mind is a representational system. This popular view requires an understanding of the nature of the entities they are postulating. Teleosemantic theories face this challenge, unpacking the normativity in the relation of representation by appealing to the teleological function of the representing state. It has been argued that, if intentionality is (...)
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  8. Dreams: an empirical way to settle the discussion between cognitive and non-cognitive theories of consciousness.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2014 - Synthese 191 (2):263-285.
    Cognitive theories claim, whereas non-cognitive theories deny, that cognitive access is constitutive of phenomenology. Evidence in favor of non-cognitive theories has recently been collected by Block and is based on the high capacity of participants in partial-report experiments compared to the capacity of the working memory. In reply, defenders of cognitive theories have searched for alternative interpretations of such results that make visual awareness compatible with the capacity of the working memory; and so the conclusions of such experiments remain controversial. (...)
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  9. Populistas ¿son siempre los demás? O sobre la idea de populismo que tienen los propios populistas.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2018 - In Alfonso Galindo & Enrique Ujaldón, ¿QUIÉN DIJO POPULISMO? Biblioteca Nueva. pp. 148-177.
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  10. Drop it like it’s HOT: a vicious regress for higher-order thought theories.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (6):1563-1572.
    Higher-order thought theories of consciousness attempt to explain what it takes for a mental state to be conscious, rather than unconscious, by means of a HOT that represents oneself as being in the state in question. Rosenthal Consciousness and the self: new essays, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011) stresses that the way we are aware of our own conscious states requires essentially indexical self-reference. The challenge for defenders of HOT theories is to show that there is a way to explain (...)
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  11. Conscious Perception in Favour of Essential Indexicality.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2022 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 35 (2):13-30.
    It has been widely acknowledged that indexical thought poses a problem for traditional theories of mental content. However, recent work in philosophy has defied this received view and challenged its defenders not to rely on intuitions but rather to clearly articulate what the problem is supposed to be. For example, in “The Inessential Indexical”, Cappelen and Dever claim that there are no philosophically interesting or important roles played by essential indexical representations. This paper assesses the role of essential indexicality in (...)
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  12. What panpsychists should reject: on the incompatibility of panpsychism and organizational invariantism.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (7):1833-1846.
    Some philosophers, like David Chalmers, have either shown their sympathy for, or explicitly endorsed, the following two principles: Panpsychism—roughly the thesis that the mind is ubiquitous throughout the universe—and Organizational Invariantism—the principle that holds that two systems with the same fine-grained functional organization will have qualitatively identical experiences. The purpose of this paper is to show the tension between the arguments that back up both principles. This tension should lead, or so I will argue, defenders of one of the principles (...)
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  13. Access, phenomenology and sorites.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2018 - Ratio 31 (3):285-293.
    The non-transitivity of the relation looks the same as has been used to argue that the relation has the same phenomenal character as is non-transitive—a result that jeopardizes certain theories of consciousness. In this paper, I argue against this conclusion while granting the premise by dissociating lookings and phenomenology; an idea that some might find counter-intuitive. However, such an intuition is left unsupported once phenomenology and cognitive access are distinguished from each other; a distinction that is conceptually and empirically grounded.
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  14. Embodied appearance properties and subjectivity.Miguel Angel Sebastian - 2018 - Adaptive Behavior 26 (Special Issue: Spotlight on 4E C):1-12.
    The traditional approach in cognitive sciences holds that cognition is a matter of manipulating abstract symbols followingcertain rules. According to this view, the body is merely an input/output device, which allows the computationalsystem—the brain—to acquire new input data by means of the senses and to act in the environment following its com-mands. In opposition to this classical view, defenders of embodied cognition (EC) stress the relevance of the body inwhich the cognitive agent is embedded in their explanation of cognitive processes. (...)
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  15. Dos problemas del universalismo ético, y una solución. O de las curiosas ideas de los drusos sobre los chinos y de sus concomitancias en ciertos filósofos morales contemporáneos.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2002 - In Carmona Quintín Racionero & Velamazán Pablo Perera, Pensar la comunidad. Dykinson. pp. 223-264.
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  16. Sobre la tolerancia (hermenéutica y liberal).Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2008 - In Joaquín Esteban Ortega, Hermenéutica analógica en España. Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes. pp. 123-146.
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  17. Contractualismo.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2006 - In Ortiz-Osés Andrés & Lanceros Patxi, Diccionario de la existencia. Anthropos-UNAM. pp. 99-106.
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  18. Alaska, Heidegger y los Pegamoides. En torno a la movida madrileña, en tono culturalista.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 1998 - In Río Víctor del, Cortao: memoria del espacio de arte contemporáneo. Amarú Ediciones. pp. 104-135.
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  19. No-interpretación.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2005 - In Andrés Ortiz-Osés & Patxi Lanceros, Claves de hermenéutica. Para la filosofía, la cultura y la sociedad. Universidad de Deusto. pp. 427-438.
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  20. Violencia.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2005 - In Andrés Ortiz-Osés & Patxi Lanceros, Claves de hermenéutica. Para la filosofía, la cultura y la sociedad. Universidad de Deusto. pp. 557-566.
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  21. Entre el espíritu de los tiempos y el Espíritu Santo. Hermenéutica nihilista y religiosidad postmoderna al hilo del pensamiento de Gianni Vattimo.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2006 - In Paz Miguel Angel Quintana, Europa, siglo XXI: secularización y Estados laicos. Madrid: Ministerio de Justicia. pp. 233-268.
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  22. Interpretar y traducir: en diálogo con la hermenéutica analógica.Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2010 - In Garcia Gabriela Hernandez, Hermenéutica analógica: símbolo e imagen. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. pp. 39-70.
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  23. Not a HOT Dream.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2013 - In Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience. Springer Studies in Brain and Mind.
    Higher-Order Thought (HOT) theories of consciousness maintain that the kind of awareness necessary for phenomenal consciousness depends on the cognitive accessibility that underlies reporting. -/- There is empirical evidence strongly suggesting that the cognitive accessibility that underlies the ability to report visual experiences depends on the activity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). This area, however, is highly deactivated during the conscious experiences we have during sleep: dreams. HOT theories are jeopardized, as I will argue. I will briefly present HOT (...)
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  24. Presentación de Gianni Vattimo: "La devaluación de la política".Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2007 - Anthropos 217:42-44.
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  25. Richard Rorty: Cómo ser irónico y morir en el intento.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Iberoamericana y Teoría Social (38):154.
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  26. Introducción.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz & Román Reyes - 2006 - In Paz Miguel Angel Quintana, Europa, siglo XXI: secularización y Estados laicos. Madrid: Ministerio de Justicia. pp. 13-22.
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  27. Comunidad.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2005 - In Andrés Ortiz-Osés & Patxi Lanceros, Claves de hermenéutica. Para la filosofía, la cultura y la sociedad. Universidad de Deusto. pp. 71-82.
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  28. Ethos de la escisión, la Historia, lo humano.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2003 - In Aavv, Humanismo para el siglo XXI. Congreso Internacional. Universidad de Deusto. pp. 92-97.
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  29. La filosofía pragmática del lenguaje y el absoluto (I).Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2002 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:265-295.
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  30. Contractualismo.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2006 - In Ortiz-Osés Andrés & Lanceros Patxi, Diccionario de la existencia. Anthropos-UNAM. pp. 99-106.
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  31. Acerca de la educación en España. Reflexiones y propuestas.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz & Manuel Hernández Iglesias (eds.) - 2010 - Madrid: Fundación Progreso y Democracia.
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  32. On a Confusion About Which Intuitions to Trust: From the Hard Problem to a Not Easy One.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2017 - Topoi 36 (1):31-40.
    Alleged self-evidence aside, conceivability arguments are one of the main reasons in favor of the claim that there is a Hard Problem. These arguments depend on the appealing Kripkean intuition that there is no difference between appearances and reality in the case of consciousness. I will argue that this intuition rests on overlooking a distinction between cognitive access and consciousness, which has received recently important empirical support. I will show that there are good reasons to believe that the intuition is (...)
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  33. Can Informational Theories Account for Metarepresentation?Miguel Ángel Sebastián & Marc Artiga - 2020 - Topoi 39 (1):81-94.
    In this essay we discuss recent attempts to analyse the notion of representation, as it is employed in cognitive science, in purely informational terms. In particular, we argue that recent informational theories cannot accommodate the existence of metarepresentations. Since metarepresentations play a central role in the explanation of many cognitive abilities, this is a serious shortcoming of these proposals.
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  34. Influencia del pensamiento indio en L. Wittgenstein.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 1998 - In Agud Ana, Cantera N. Alberto & Rubio Francisco, Actas del II Encuentro Español de Indología. Celarayn. pp. 187-197.
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  35. Cognitive access and cognitive phenomenology: conceptual and empirical issues.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (2):188-204.
    The well-known distinction between access consciousness and phenomenal consciousness has moved away from the conceptual domain into the empirical one, and the debate now is focused on whether the neural mechanisms of cognitive access are constitutive of the neural correlate of phenomenal consciousness. In this paper, I want to analyze the consequences that a negative reply to this question has for the cognitive phenomenology thesis – roughly the claim that there is a “proprietary” phenomenology of thoughts. If the mechanisms responsible (...)
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  36. Nihilismo político: acerca de ciertas derivas del pensamiento de Vattimo en torno a las democracias postmodernas.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2007 - Anthropos 217:73-96.
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  37. Los consuelos prohibidos. Entrevista a Gabriel Albiac.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2007 - Cuaderno Gris 9:61-87.
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  38. ¿Es éticamente aceptable la propiedad intelectual de los derechos de autor?Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2008 - Procesos de Mercado. Revista Europea de Economía Política 5 (1):91-130.
    We intend to analyze the plausibility of the two kind of ethical justifications that are most commonly used in order to defend the concept of an “intellectual property” of copyrights. Firstly, we will examine justifications of property based on natural law, like the one originally provided by John Locke. We will argue, with the help of authors like Lysander Spooner, that the same arguments that Locke uses for property in general are entirely applicable to intellectual property, although this is certainly (...)
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  39. On Hermeneutical Ethics and Education: "Bach als Erzieher”.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2002 - In Fukač Jiří, Strakoš Vladimír & Mizerová Alena, Bach: Music between Virgin Forest and Knowledge Society. Compostela Group of Universities. pp. 49-109.
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  40. Qué es el multiculturalismo (y qué no es).Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2009 - Manual Formativo ACTA 51:19-34.
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  41. Attention alters appearances and solves the 'many-many problem'.Miguel Angel Sebastian & Raúl Sánchez-García - 2015 - European Journal of Human Movement 34:156-179.
    This article states that research in skill acquisitionand executionhas underestimated the relevance of some features of attention. We present and theoretically discuss two essential features of attention that have been systematically overlooked in the research of skill acquisitionandexecution. First, attention alters the appearance of the perceived stimuli in an essential way; and second, attention plays a fundamental role in action, being crucial for solving the so called ’many-many problem’, that is to say, the problem of generating a coherent behavior byselecting (...)
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  42. How to Use Wittgenstein to Oppose Marxism.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2017 - Die Philosophie der Wahrnehmung Und der Beobachtung. Beiträge 40. Internationales Wittgenstein Symposium / The Philosophy of Perception and Observation. 40th International Wittgenstein Symposium 25:202-204.
    Our interest here will be limited to decide how we could use the philosophy of Wittgenstein to oppose Marxist theorizations. We will not imply, thus, that Wittgenstein himself made that use or wanted anybody else to make it. Our focus here is not Wittgenstein’s possible intentions against Marxism, but his implications against it. We have found five possible implications of this kind. The first one links his private language argument and Ludwig von Mises’ argument about why Marxists fail in determining (...)
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  43. I Cannot Tell You (Everything) About My Dreams: Reply to Ivanowich and Weisberg.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2013 - In Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience. Springer Studies in Brain and Mind.
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  44. Gianni Vattimo.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2004 - In Ortiz-Osés Andrés & Lanceros Patxi, Diccionario interdisciplinar de hermenéutica (4ª edición ampliada y revisada). Universidad de Deusto. pp. 543-545.
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  45. Wittgenstein 2006. Un proemio sobre el significado del pensamiento wittgensteiniano para nuestros trabajos y días.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2006 - Volubilis 13:90-118.
    El Autor diseña una posible cartografía del pensamiento del filósofo Ludwig Wittgenstein; para ello parte de una posición en el espacio, la que le sitúa en medio de dos tradiciones perfectamente diferenciadas en el interior de una biblioteca (la acreditada, grandiosa y divertida librería Macmillan de la ciudad de Londres): Estantes de Filosofía Analítica (del entorno Anglosajón), de Filosofía Continental (la de la Vieja Europa) y, en medio de ambos, las obras de Wittgenstein.
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  46. Postmodernism is not a Relativism. Communication Practices and Ethical Attitudes in some Postmodern Thinkers.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2007 - Concordia, Internationale Zeitschrift Für Philosophie 51:61-84.
    The different “postmodern” philosophies that arose from the 1970s to the 1990s have often been considered as a kind of irrationalist-skeptical-relativist “ideology” or assorted amalgam, which in our time would dangerously take over the philosophical academy and western cultures, with grave risk for universalist or simply rationalist projects. Nevertheless, as the title of this article shows, a closer examination of some trends of postmodern thought would be able to perceive that they not only are uncomfortable with the label “relativist,” “irrationalist” (...)
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  47. El giro retórico de Wittgenstein.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2003 - In Marzá Domingo García & González Elsa, Entre la ética y la política: éticas de la sociedad civil. Universitat Jaume I. pp. 128-147.
    En este artículo me propongo revisar en qué medida cabría atribuir a Wittgenstein la responsabilidad de haber propiciado un «giro retórico» con sus inquisiciones filosóficas, correlativo al giro más general, en el mismo sentido, que, según recientemente se ha venido reconociendo, habría sufrido nuestra cultura en los últimos tiempos. Dado que cabe leer la obra de Wittgenstein como si una de sus más pujantes preocupaciones consistiese en dilucidar qué debemos entender hoy por racionalidad, el mentado «giro retórico», de haberse cumplido (...)
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  48. Ciegos por el camino recto. Una explicación de la explicación.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 1995 - Cuadernos INICE 67:143-149.
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  49. La teología queer: panorama, balance y perspectivas.Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz - 2016 - In Ildefonso Murillo, Pensar y conocer a Dios en el siglo XXI. Colmenar Viejo, Madrid: Ediciones Diálogo Filosófico/Publicaciones Claretianas. pp. 745-752.
    En las últimas décadas han proliferado un conjunto de planteamientos teológicos cristianos que, por primera vez, incorporan a su reflexión sobre Dios la perspectiva de las personas con género, orientación o identidad sexual minoritarias. Bebiendo en algunos casos de los desarrollos de la teología de la liberación (especialmente en autores procedentes de Iberoamérica) y en otros casos de la teología feminista, estas teologías pretenden hablar de lo divino desde y para las realidades del conjunto de personas que a menudo se (...)
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  50. La tradición como traición. Seis paradojas.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2001 - In Carril Ángel & Barrio Ángel B. Espina, Tradición. Cien respuestas a una pregunta. Diputación de Salamanca. pp. 177-178.
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